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Broadcast Transactions

Broadcast transactions onto the blockchain

broadcastTx(rawTx, skipTokenChecks?)

Broadcast the given raw tx onto the network; by default will verify that no tokens are unintentionally burned. Can be disabled with skipTokenChecks set to true, but this is not recommended.

See broadcastTx API docs.

Live Editor
function DemoBroadcastTx() {
  return <Json fn={async () => {
    // Tx tries to burn the first CRD mint baton
    return await chronik.broadcastTx(
      "000000000145e1f25de444e399b6d46fa66e3424c04549a85a14b12bc9a4ddc9" +
  }} />;

broadcastTxs(rawTxs, skipTokenChecks?)

Broadcast the given raw txs onto the network, by defailt only if all of them pass the token checks that verify that no tokens are unintentionally burned. Can be disabled with skipTokenChecks set to true, but this is not recommended.

See broadcastTxs API docs.

Live Editor
function DemoBroadcastTxs() {
  return <Json fn={async () => {
    // Txs try to burn the first CRD mint baton
    return await chronik.broadcastTxs(
      ["000000000145e1f25de444e399b6d46fa66e3424c04549a85a14b12bc9a4ddc9" +
       "010000000145e1f25de444e399b6d46fa66e3424c04549a85a14b12bc9a4ddc9" +
  }} />;